Section: Protocol Families (4F)
Updated: January 15, 1993
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tsi - Transmission Subscriber Identification (TSI) database  


The file etc/tsi in the FlexFAX spooling area contains a collection of patterns. If the QualifyTSI parameter is set in a modem configuration file, the patterns in the file define the set of facsimile machines that the fax server will accept incoming facsimile from.

Patterns are specified one per line and must conform to the regular expressions syntax supported by regcmp(3X). Comments may be included; they are introduced with the ``#'' character and extend to the end of the line. Any trailing white space in a pattern is ignored (for convenience when comments are used).

Note that regular expression patterns should be written to match a TSI exactly. That is, patterns should be of the form:


where the ``^'' and ``$'' characters are used to specify the start and end of the matching TSI. Additionally, regular expression patterns should handle white space that may appear in known locations. For example,

      ^([+]1){1}[ .-]*415[ .-]*555[ .-]*1212.*$

matches the following TSI strings:

    415  555  1212

Finally, note that regular expressions can be used to specify many TSI with one pattern.  


It would be nice if TSI that were to be matched against were placed in some canonical form (e.g. remove white space and white space-like characters). This is, however, problematic, because some facsimile machines permit any printable ASCII string to be sent as a TSI.  


faxd(1M), regcmp(3X), config(4F)




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